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A Facebook friend posted this picture of her cat and I was instantly moved by it. So much is going on here – at least in my eyes it is. There is a Christmas tree, a cat, and a picture of Jesus in the background. It conjures up holiday energy and, well… it just felt holy. I was that inspired without even knowing why.

Is the cat looking at something visible? Praying, perhaps? Does it see an angel in the ethers? (Norman Rockwell smiles as I type this piece.) Have you been so immediately touched, or moved by something without having the slightest idea why? It is the immediate emotional reaction that can stop you in your tracks. The smile forms, the heart warms, conversation begins, steps closer for a better look ensue. However it is experienced, it is quite fascinating and inspiring.

I type about what you love. What moves you. Who do you love? If you are so moved by other, I believe it means you can access the Love you have for self. My conclusion about feelings towards other is that it’s an inside job first. Working on establishing a healthy relationship where self-love reigns is necessary in order to then react well to others. How does one do this? Healing. Whether it be therapy, self-help, journaling, chatting with entrusted ones, 12-step — finding your true Godspark and nurturing it back to full health is what appears to be a soul mission in Earth School.

Check in with yourself to see the last time you had a visceral emotional reaction to another person, place, or thing. I mean a positive and higher vibration feeling that elicited love of other in some way, shape, or form. If you have, fabulous! If you are still searching the annals of your past, it might be a good idea to do some self-love work. Heal and heal again. 

This lifetime and others can elicit positive responses. Do I know why tree, cat, and Jesus brought on such a high? No. What I do know is that I am able to feel good about things in my life and this is a gift. Just a mere image brought me to a very soft and high place. Good. I wish this for you, too.

The next time you are moved by someone or something and it takes you by surprise, capture the image with a photo or write down the experience. It can validate that you see beauty in other as it relates to the beauty you see in yourself. Also, it can remind you that you are an emotional being that sees and embraces Creator’s handiwork.

May you find your Rockwell and be moved.

Bless you.
