Get in Touch: 908-337-9759


The material contained in this website is for entertainment purposes only.

This Information is NOT intended to be construed as a medical or mental health diagnosis or treatment, or legal or financial counsel. This information should not take the place of a consultation with a physician or health care professional for medical diagnosis and/or treatment, nor take the place of mental health, legal, or financial professional services.

The user of this site assumes full responsibility for the appropriate use of the information on these web pages. It should be understood:

Any conversation shared during these sessions is not to be construed as advice pertaining to mental health, medical, legal, financial, or otherwise, and Ms. Eisinger will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions based on information shared during these sessions.

No diagnosis is given or can be given.

Ms. Eisinger does not make any attempts to heal or cure any condition or situation.

Ms. Eisinger does not prescribe for or treat disease. She does not attempt to interfere with medical, mental health, legal, or financial advice in any way.

Ms. Eisinger is not a mental health professional, health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, financial professional and she is not pretending to be such. Ms. Eisinger does not treat or care for medical, mental health, legal, or financial emergencies.

If you are in great pain or discomfort, you should immediately seek a medical or mental health professional for treatment.