Get in Touch: 908-337-9759

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time: 12-5:00 PM

Address: Long Hill Senior Center  769 Valley Road  Gillette, New Jersey  07933 (next to Gillette School)

Parking: If there is overflow, one may also park at the adjacent school on the same side of the street

Free admission

Festival Organizer: Joanie Eisinger of Joanie’s White Light Healing

MetaphysiFest has been waiting until now to be experienced. For several years, I sat with the idea of creating an event that was novel. I believe it is possible to offer a festival that is reasonably low cost, low key, and high vibe. The co-creative nature of MetaphysiFest is to inspire both the participant and the guest.  As a collective, we are trailblazers in this New Earth reality. MetaphysiFest is a New Earth collaborative event.  It took me this long to identify who might resonate with my vision. The response was overwhelming. Each participant of Metaphysifest shares these three traits: humility, devotion of Service to Other, and the embracing of Unity Consciousness. The Love each soul exudes is palpable to me and a gathering of such like-mindeds can only touch others exponentially. Each participant’s product, business, and service is unique and there is no replication.  Practitioners offer the same fee so there is no competition.  We equally share the cost to rent the space; I am not taking money for profit from my friends who are participating with me. Admission is free for guests, which is a gift for some. Since the venue is small, the vendor cost is lower and it offers guests the opportunity to experience us without overwhelm. I have never been asked for feedback in the creation of a festival in which I participated. MetaphysiFest participants have been involved in almost every aspect of the festival since its inception. Emails, texts, and phone calls with lively discussion have involved sharing one’s vision, posing questions and receiving answers, offering feedback, and tweaking copy sent to me. (Ask any MetaphysiFest participant: I love chatting, editing copy, and sharing my excitement with them in the process!) From the date chosen, the Agreement signed, the profile description, to the practitioner rate, and more, everyone shared their opinions and equally weighed in. I wanted everyone involved to come away feeling heard and valued as a co-creator. Participating in an event where you have a voice in its creation from the ground level is very empowering and inspiring. Maybe others will be inspired to create a New Earth festival based on this model.  I know I am growing as a soul by delivering MetaphysiFest to you. May the co-creators herein be moved. May those who venture to us leave with more than from whence they came. 

May this event be one of many. Come with a big heart and big smile. Onward, ho!

Dream big. Live large. Wing it till you swing it. Anything goes. Bring it on. Enjoy the show and…

Make a good movie.

~ Joanie Eisinger


Participants at MetaphysiFest:

Heather AlpersFlower Attunements and Custom Essence Blending    Calluna Healing
Bushes of heather, Latin (Calluna vulgaris), sweep the moors in brushstrokes of lavender, magenta, and white. If you’ve been lucky enough to see heather wild in the fields, you know just how deeply this flower can touch your heart. She stands as a gatekeeper to the elemental realms, uplifts the spirit, and ushers in clarity of being. Growing in colorful hues across the most desolate of places, heather always reminds you, you are never truly alone.

It is with these intentions, Heather Alpers built Calluna Healing.

Bio: Heather Alpers is passionate about creating Sacred Spaces to connect you with your True Nature. A channel for nature and nature spirits, she recodes frequencies, unwinds trauma, and transmutes pain across the body, mind, and spirit. Heather is a Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Healer, and Flower Essence Specialist. In 2019, she trained with Teal Swan to become a Completion Process Certified Practitioner and has been exploring the topic of healing trauma ever since. Heather uses these trainings in harmony with her Elemental relationships to create a ceremonial space for you to heal through peace, authenticity, and Spirit. She operates out of Newtown, Pennsylvania offering private healing sessions, ceremonial women’s groups, three and six month treatment packages addressing trauma processing and transmutation, and Flower Essence Consultations in person and online.

Services Offered: Let the flora be your guide! At MetaphysiFest, Heather will be facilitating Flower Attunements and Custom Essence Blending. In the 30-minute consultation, Heather will work with you to find the perfect essence blend suited to what you need at that moment. Each blend will contain 4-5 flower and crystal frequencies that will be made as a tincture or aura spray for you to take home. Alcohol or vegetable glycerin will be used as the preservative. Heather will then attune you to your selected frequencies, seeding their energies into your body, mind, and spirit. This will allow the deepest connection with your essence blend. Flower and crystal essences support the emotional and mental bodies. Each essence holds a vibrational frequency and wisdom that allows the subtle bodies to come back into alignment and harmonize with your Highest Nature.
½ hour – $45
Methods of payment: Venmo, Cash

Disclaimer: The products used have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician or health care provider. Use caution when using flower essences, essential oils, and preservatives such as alcohol and vegetable glycerin. Use products as per instructions and always watch for allergic reactions. Always consult your physician or health care provider before using any flower essences, essential oils, alcohol, and vegetable glycerin. All essences and sprays contain alcohol as a preservative unless otherwise indicated. Vegetable glycerin can be substituted as an alternative.

Joan and Rudy Czirbik – Crystals and Gemstones Jewelry    Crystals in Copper LLC
Bio: Joan and Rudy Czirbik founded their company, Crystals In Copper LLC, approximately 6 years ago after Joan’s love for vintage jewelry necessitated learning how to repair damaged pieces. Today, the husband and wife team have honed their skills and now carry a full line of handcrafted, one of a kind pieces. Rudy, a retired PhD Genetics research scientist, uses his precision and attention to detail to create the company’s fabulous handcrafted chains. Joan, a middle school science teacher for 30 years, uses her creative side to design most of their pieces. The pair selected copper as their metal of choice for several reasons. Not only is it beautiful on all skin tones, but it is also affordable. Most importantly, though, are the benefits copper provides. It is a proven anti-microbial agent and who doesn’t want that nowadays? Copper may also provide anti-inflammatory benefits, offering possible relief from such issues as arthritis. Whenever possible, natural untreated gemstones are used, as well as organic materials such as amber and pearl. Rudy and Joan feel that the more natural the stone, the greater the benefits derived from that stone. They also believe that it is optimal to have stones visible versus “pocket carried” and work best when exposed to the natural elements such as the cleansing energy of the sun. 

Products Offered: Crystals in Copper LLC has a full line of handcrafted jewelry, including rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces and anklets. Taking inspiration from nature, they also offer an exclusive selection of handcrafted, artisan beaded flowers, gemstone trees, and gemstone and crystal suncatchers. Along with this large selection of artisan items, Crystals and Copper, LLC has a wide selection of loose crystals for customer consideration, including hematite, fluorite, and obsidian. In addition to their ready-to-wear collection, the duo also offers custom design work upon request.
Methods of payment: Cash, Major Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover), Google Pay, Apple Pay

Disclaimer: The products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Copper has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. The copper products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. If you develop an allergic reaction to wearing copper, consult your physician or health care provider. Always consult your physician or health care provider if a condition persists. 

Joanie Eisinger – Psychic Readings and Mediumship  Joanie’s White Light Healing   
Bio: Joanie Eisinger is a healer, psychic, medium, animal communicator/healer, medical intuitive, paranormal investigator, and spiritual guide who lives in Central New Jersey. Joanie received her Master of Social Work degree from Columbia University and holds a post-graduate certificate in Gestalt therapy.  After ten years in practice, her path took a detour when she became acutely chemically sensitive.  This “dark night of the soul” was the catalyst that propelled her to leave conventional medicine, find complementary (alternative) healing, and venture on a spiritual journey. As Joanie healed, she became gifted with abilities. She describes her experience as being fast-tracked: mediumship led to healing with her hands and her Divine abilities continued to grow as she became clairvoyant (Divine seeing), clairaudient (Divine hearing), clairsentient (Divine feeling), claircognizant (Divine knowing), clairgustant (Divine tasting), and clairsalient (Divine smelling). Joanie offers her Divine gifts to help bring comfort and clarity to one’s daily life. Many seek Joanie’s guidance on a myriad of issues, including finances, health, relationships, spirituality, career and family.  She can also address past lives and assist in releasing karma, identify spirit guides, explain your Divine Purpose, remove implants and negative energies, channel departed ones and pets, remotely clear homes and other spaces, balance, align, and repair chakras, repair and clear auras, enter the Akashic Records and address vows and scripts, discuss pre-birth planning sessions, activate healer hands, download codes, perform psychic surgery, communicate with and heal crystals and plants, perform automatic writing and channel draw symbols. She boasts an international clientele. More information about Joanie can be found within this website.

Services Offered: Joanie will be offering Psychic Readings and Mediumship at MetaphysiFest. Many seek Joanie’s guidance on a myriad of issues, including finances, health, relationships, spirituality, career, family, and pets. This work can be done at any age, from infancy through adulthood, as well as experienced by animals, plants, and crystals.  Pregnant women benefit, as well. Feel free to tape your session. 
15 mins — $45
Methods of payment: Cash or PayPal (please add $5 to the $45 due to PayPal taking out a fee)

Disclaimer: A Psychic Reading or Mediumship session with Joanie is for entertainment purposes only. The Information is NOT intended to be construed as a medical or mental health diagnosis or treatment, or legal or financial counsel. The information should not take the place of a consultation with a physician or health care professional for medical diagnosis and/or treatment, nor take the place of mental health, legal, or financial professional services. It should be understood:
*Any conversation shared during these sessions is not to be construed as advice pertaining to mental health, medical, legal, financial, or otherwise, and Ms. Eisinger will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions based on information shared during these sessions.
*No diagnosis is given or can be given.
*Ms. Eisinger does not make any attempts to heal or cure any condition or situation.
*Ms. Eisinger does not prescribe for or treat disease. She does not attempt to interfere with medical, mental health, legal, or financial advice in any way.
*Ms. Eisinger is not a mental health professional, health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, financial professional and she is not pretending to be such. Ms. Eisinger does not treat or care for medical, mental health, legal, or financial emergencies.
*If you are in great pain or discomfort, you should immediately seek a medical or mental health professional for treatment.

Laura Gaetana – Angel Healing
Bio: Laura Gaetana is a natural channel and empath. At a very young age, she could see and feel Spirit around her.  This gift was misunderstood by Laura’s family, and her fears regarding it inspired her to put her clairvoyance (Divine seeing) aside for a while.  She did however retain her gift of clairsentience (Divine feeling), although she did not fully understand it until much later. Laura was very clear in her youth that she had a need to assist others. Laura became a Certified Massage Therapist in 2000; she became an Instructor at a massage therapy school a few years later. Over time, Laura realized that during her sessions she was depleting her energy supply. She was giving it away with hopes of freeing others from their physical and emotional pain. This led her to receive Reiki attunement in 2001 where she learned how to tap into the Universal/Source Energy, which is infinite.  After a “dark night of the soul” in her mid-late 20’s, she sought more out of life in her early 30’s.  Laura began meditating and taking classes. She found answers to her aching questions by connecting with her Higher Self, her Spirit Guides, the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Realm.  She realized she was an empath, and, after all this time, finally understood that not all of her emotions and physical pain were her own! What a relief! Relearning to use her inner vision has enabled her to work without fear.  During healing sessions, Laura loves to share some tips she’s picked up along the way. She proudly boasts 22 years of energy healing experience.

Services Offered: Laura will be offering Angel Healing at MetaphysiFest. She begins a session by calling upon the Angels to create a loving, safe space. Laura will gently place her hands on you and channel Angelic energy that is for your highest good.  Angelic healing is very relaxing and soothing. With their help, she facilitates healing on an emotional and energetic level, the effects of which can be felt into the future. 
15 mins — $45
Methods of payment: Venmo, Cash

Disclaimer: In an Angel Healing session with Laura, she does not make any attempts to heal, treat, or cure any mental health, medical, financial, or legal conditions or situations. Laura is not a mental health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, or financial professional and she is not engaging with a client for these purposes. Angel Healing is, by law, for entertainment purposes only. If you are in great pain, discomfort, or distress, immediately seek medical, mental health, legal or financial professionals for treatment and assistance. You are solely responsible for disclosing a medical or mental health issue that might preclude receiving Laura’s services. Participation is voluntary and you are responsible for any decisions made subsequent to receiving the services.

Brenda Ivey – Angel Card and Intuitive Readings
Bio: Brenda Ivey is a native New Jerseyan. As a child, Brenda knew she was gifted, but she did not actively pursue them. She was always spiritual and had a strong connection with God. In the mid-‘90’s, Brenda’s path led her to study One Brain ® Kinesiology with Darlene Van de Grift. This education contributed to the reawakening of her spiritual gifts. She began clearing spaces, assisting in the transition of lost souls, aiding in the resolution of past life issues, and much more. Brenda studied many more modalities and began offering readings to others. In 2015, she joined One Spirit Festival in Clinton, New Jersey as an Angel Card and Intuitive Reader. Since then, Brenda has been offering readings to those who need her services. She was also called to work as a caregiver for seniors where she has a great deal of experience with hospice and life transitions.

Services Offered: Brenda will be offering Angel Card and Intuitive Readings at MetaphysiFest. She works with Creator, Archangels, Enlightened Beings, Spirit Guides, Angels, and Ancestors. Brenda will be Guided which card decks to bring to MetaphysiFest. Please bring questions, issues, or whatever is blocking you and she will deliver as much information as possible during the allotted time. Brenda will have you choose which card deck to read from to open the energy. Then, she will lay her hands on top of your wrists to deepen the connection. Clients have experienced lightness of being, felt the presence of Angels and departed ones, and received validation and information that have helped them move forward in life. Brenda feels it is a joy to be of Service and a privilege to help others on their path.
15 mins. — $45
Method of payment: Cash

Disclaimer: An Angel Card and Intuitive Reading session with Brenda is for entertainment purposes only. The Information is NOT intended to be construed as a medical or mental health diagnosis or treatment, or legal or financial counsel. The information should not take the place of a consultation with a physician or health care professional for medical diagnosis and/or treatment, nor take the place of mental health, legal, or financial professional services. It should be understood:
*Any conversation shared during these sessions is not to be construed as advice pertaining to mental health, medical, legal, financial, or otherwise, and Ms. Ivey will not be held accountable for any interpretations or decisions based on information shared during these sessions.
*No diagnosis is given or can be given.
*Ms. Ivey does not make any attempts to heal or cure any condition or situation.
*Ms. Ivey does not prescribe for or treat disease. She does not attempt to interfere with medical, mental health, legal, or financial advice in any way.
*Ms. Ivey is not a mental health professional, health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, financial professional and she is not pretending to be such. Ms. Ivey does not treat or care for medical, mental health, legal, or financial emergencies.
*If you are in great pain or discomfort, you should immediately seek a medical or mental health professional for treatment.

Kathryn Landis – Intuitive Energy Healing 
Bio: Kathryn Landis is an intuitive energy healer of 25+ years and lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. She received her Master of Social Work degree from Widener University and continues to work as a psychiatric social worker in a behavioral health hospital. While Kathryn was completing her undergraduate work, she was also doing volunteer work with the terminally ill. During this volunteer experience, Kathryn was introduced to the book, Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan. This book was the segue to enrolling in the Central Pennsylvania Institute of Healing Therapies in York, Pennsylvania where she successfully completed studies addressing human energy field dynamics, neuro-linguistic programming, body work, and healing techniques of indigenous cultures. Kathryn is also certified in The Reconnection™ and the Rising Star Healing System. She is self-taught in sound therapy using tuning forks, her voice, chimes, and singing bowls. As Kathryn helped others, she continued to work on herself within various capacities, including plant medicine under the direction of a shaman and participation in the Sekhem energy system. As a result of these various experiences, her intuition has heightened and she has developed the Divine gifts of claircognizance (Divine knowing), clairsentience (Divine feeling), and clairvoyance (Divine seeing). Kathryn shares the sentiment with many that energy medicine is great as preventive care and can also be coupled with your traditional medical treatment with no known side effects. Energy medicine is most conducive to the healing process when an individual is receiving radiation or chemotherapy. Kathryn’s energy sessions can be done in person, as well as remotely.

Services Offered: Kathryn will offer Intuitive Energy Healing at MetaphysiFest. For an energy healing session you will lie fully clothed on your back on a massage table, so it is recommended you dress comfortably. Kathryn then calls upon Spirit and begins by  “opening” your energy field with a crystal. She kinesthetically and intuitively scans your field with her hands to detect any imbalances that may exist. The earth’s energy enters at her feet and circulates throughout her body with an intensity in the hands as they are placed on your body. If you do not want to be touched, this powerful healing can still occur by working strictly with the field that surrounds your body. This energy transmission then goes where it is needed without her knowing all the details. She follows Spirit’s direction. The session then progresses with chakra balancing, meridian balancing, and working with your field as “Divinely directed.” During a session, symbols and messages may come through; Kathryn will share with you what she receives. Sound therapy may be used in a healing that could include tuning forks, the sound of Kathryn’s voice, a singing bowl, and/or chimes. A feather is used to clear the field of any attachments. Crystals are used to clear and purge the portals within one’s field. Your session commences with your field being “closed” with a quartz crystal and a Divine matrix placed around you. As a result of a healing, you may experience physical balance, emotional well-being, an increase in energy, an elimination or decrease in pain, feelings of relaxation and peace, and much, much more. 
½ hour – $45
Methods of Payment: Cash, Credit Card (please add $5 to cover credit card fee)

Disclaimer: In an Intuitive Energy Healing session with Kathryn, she does not make any attempts to heal, treat, or cure any mental health, medical, financial, or legal conditions or situations. Kathryn is not acting as a mental health professional in this setting and during a healing session with a client. She is not a medical doctor, legal advisor, or financial professional and she is not engaging with a client for these purposes. Intuitive Energy Healing is, by law, for entertainment purposes only. If you are in great pain, discomfort, or distress, immediately seek medical, mental health, legal or financial professionals for treatment and assistance. You are solely responsible for disclosing a medical or mental health issue that might preclude receiving Kathryn’s services. Participation is voluntary and you are responsible for any decisions made subsequent to receiving the services. 

Rina Litwin – Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner
Bio: Rina Litwin is a Certified Kripalu Bodyworker and a Jin Shin Jyutsu® Practitioner who lives and practices in Bergen County, New Jersey. She has a BA and an MA in Education from NYU.  In another, much younger part of her life, she was a teacher of Home Economics.  After raising her own and many other neighborhood teenagers, she broadened her horizons by studying to become a bodyworker (massage therapist).  She was inspired to do this through her volunteer work in the Breast Center of Englewood Hospital where, for twelve years, she advocated for and accompanied women through their biopsy procedures. In 1997, Rina discovered the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. She has studied and been aiding people through their journeys of cancer, chemotherapy and recovery, surgeries of all types, dental work, pregnancy, panic attacks, end of life, as well as relaxation and wellness maintenance.

Service Offered: Rina will be offering Jin Shin Jyutsu® at MetaphysiFest. What is Jin Shin Jyutsu®? The translation from the Japanese is defined as: the Creator’s Art through the person of compassion. Jin Shin Jyutsu® Physio-Philosophy serves to balance or harmonize body, mind, spirit by releasing stagnant energy, which accumulates along various pathways throughout the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu® regards these as the underlying cause for all tensions or disharmonies. In order to restore balance, these blockages must be transformed. How is this achieved? The client lays comfortably, fully clothed, face-up on the massage table. By placing her hands on the client’s wrists, Rina listens to their pulses, which ask for what the client needs. Rina then delivers a session by holding various points on the body, Safety Energy Locks, until a synchronicity is felt. It is completely natural and noninvasive, involving only placing the hands gently on the body. The Safety Energy Locks (similar to acupuncture points) may be thought of as small breaker boxes and Rina’s hands as jumper cables – to stimulate the client’s energy back into the natural circulation pattern. It looks very simple yet the benefits are very profound. During a session the client may fall asleep, stay alert, talk, be silent, feel sensations such as stomach gurgles, snoring, spasms, electricity, see colors, hear music, bring up memories, or none of the above. It all depends on how the client presents on a certain day, as no two sessions are alike. It doesn’t matter; the client’s energy will still be harmonized and the session may end with a feeling of renewed well-being, restfulness, lack of pain or other symptoms, deep relief. A session continues processing for 8 hours afterwards, so drinking lots of water and taking a 15 minute time out is recommended.  If interested, self-help suggestions can be made.
½ hour: $45 (20 minutes on the table, 10 minutes of education)
Method of payment: Cash

Disclaimer: In a Jin Shin Jyutsu® healing session with Rina, she does not make any attempts to heal, treat, or cure any mental health, medical, financial, or legal conditions or situations. Rina is not a mental health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, or financial professional and she is not engaging with a client for these purposes. Jin Shin Jyutsu® is, by law, for entertainment purposes only. If you are in great pain, discomfort, or distress, immediately seek medical, mental health, legal or financial professionals for treatment and assistance. You are solely responsible for disclosing a medical or mental health issue that might preclude receiving Rina’s services. Participation is voluntary and you are responsible for any decisions made subsequent to receiving the services.

Lisa Oropallo – Intuitive Massage Therapist and Chakra Balancing   Vibe Wellness
Bio: Lisa Oropallo is an Intuitive Massage Therapist who lives and works in Northern New Jersey. In 2014, she received her formal education at The Institute for Therapeutic Massage in Bloomfield, New Jersey where she received her LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist). She earned her CMLDT with Elisa Di Falco of The Manual Lymph Drainage Institute Int’l/NJM. Lisa immersed herself in additional training and certifications: Solfeggio Tuning Forks, Reiki, Aromatherapy, and Reflexology. As she became increasingly passionate about each modality, she added them to her repertoire. Today, she offers a meaningful service in the pursuit of igniting the mind, body, spirit connection. In 2016, Lisa opened Vibe Wellness in Nutley, New Jersey, a full-service wellness center with numerous massage, energy healing, fitness, and yoga offerings. Events and a weekly support circle round out her practice. 

Services Offered: Lisa will offer Intuitive Massage and Chakra Balancing at MetaphysiFest. Her hands on work is Divinely Guided and she prides herself on approaching each bodywork session with definite individual attention. Lisa allows herself to be intuitively guided to provide a profound outcome for each client through her natural and signature style of therapeutic healing. Outcomes may be subtle or obvious, and initially apparent or revealed over time. Tuning forks may be used for chakra balancing; if she senses a chakra (energy center) requires work, she will choose the appropriate tuning fork(s) to balance it. Balanced chakras offer a client a lightening of stuck energies, which pave the way for forward and upward movement in one’s life. Lisa always serves up gratitude, compassion, and peace through her craft and to the beautiful souls who seek out her gifts. 
½ hour – $45 
Methods of payment: Venmo, Cash

Disclaimer: In an Intuitive Massage Therapy and Chakra Balancing session with Lisa, she does not make any attempts to heal, treat, or cure any mental health, medical, financial, or legal conditions or situations. Lisa is not a mental health professional, medical doctor, legal advisor, or financial professional and she is not engaging with a client for these purposes. Intuitive Massage Therapy and Chakra Balancing is, by law, for entertainment purposes only. If you are in great pain, discomfort, or distress, immediately seek medical, mental health, legal or financial professionals for treatment and assistance. You are solely responsible for disclosing a medical or mental health issue that might preclude receiving Lisa’s services. Participation is voluntary and you are responsible for any decisions made subsequent to receiving the services.

Donna Reynolds Willow Moon Herbals, LLC
Bio: Donna Reynolds is an experienced herbalist for over 22 years and resides in New Jersey. She is also an herbal educator, which includes being a voice for her native green plant allies. Donna apprenticed for three years with Robin Rose Bennett.  Her apprenticeship studies included one year of Herbalist-in-Residence clinical studies at the Robert Morrow Family Medical Center in the Bronx, New York.  Donna studied for four years with herbalist David Winston, RH (AHG), graduating from his two-year Clinical Herbalist Training Program, his one-year Graduate Program for Herbal Practitioners, and his one-year Therapeutics Program for Herbal Practitioners at his school, David Winston’s Center for Herbal Studies in Washington, New Jersey.   She has also studied with Rosemary Gladstar in her celebrated correspondence course: “The Science and Art of Herbalism,” and is a graduate of her Teacher Training Program for Herbalists.  Donna has taught classes locally in New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, at Sage Mountain Retreat Center in East Barre, Vermont, and internationally in Erice and Agira, Sicily, Italy. She can be found primarily teaching in North and Central New Jersey.

Business Promoted: Donna speaks about her magical medicinal plants and trees, frequenting parks, arboretums and local backyards, often for impromptu “wild weeds” walks. In addition to her various classes, Donna offers a two-year Herbal Apprenticeship Circle for those interested in learning the ancient art of herbal medicine based on the Wise Woman Tradition.  This Herbal Apprenticeship Circle is a twenty-month hands-on, out-in-the-fields, up close and personal relationship with our green plant herbal allies.  The Curriculum includes the following topics: basic principles in herbal and alternative healing;  introduction to the Wise Woman Tradition of herbal medicine, including some western herbal medicine; teachings from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda, including facial, tongue and pulse diagnostics; basic plant identification and harvesting; in-depth study of healing properties of 80+ medicinal botanicals; traditional and ethno-botanical history of herbal medicine; definitions and terminology; introduction to formulas; and introduction to medicine making such as tinctures, vinegars, oxymels, kitchen medicine, salves, and more.

Products Offered: Willow Moon Herbals LLC has an eclectic line of handcrafted herbal products, including herbal tinctures, elixirs, oxymels, salves, fire cider/master tonic, and loose-leaf tea blends.
Methods of payment: Cash, Major Credit Cards (Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover)

Disclaimer: Information conveyed about herbal products is from historical references and used for teaching and educational purposes only. The contents are not meant to diagnose, treat, prescribe, cure, or substitute consultation with a licensed health care professional. If a condition persists, please contact your health care provider.  Always consult your health care provider before using any herbal tinctures, elixirs, or oxymels that contain alcohol or vegetable glycerin.  This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Colleen Milne, MSW, LCSW 
Bio: Colleen Milne is an holistic psychotherapist whose private practice is located in Morris County, New Jersey. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 20 years of experience in the field of behavioral and mental health. Colleen received her Master of Social Work degree from Rutgers University. She is skilled in working with children, adolescents, and adults, and a wide range of settings, including school, residential, inpatient, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and community based and hospital outpatient care. Colleen’s focus is working with trauma, chronic pain, and chronic health issues.

Colleen obtained Certification as a Hypnotherapist in 2011 and went on to Certify in Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy in 2012. She has a Certificate as an Holistic Integrative Mental Health Practitioner and has taken courses in Nutrition and Integrative Medicine for mental health practitioners. Colleen’s lifelong interest and practice in meditation led her to explore more, taking courses with Jack Kornfield, Tara Brach, Craig Hamilton, and davidji. Colleen is a Certified Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher, Certified Masters of Wisdom Mediation Teacher, and a Certified Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness Practitioner. 

Colleen has had a lifelong interest in holistic healing, consciousness studies, and energy medicine. She has training in Energy Psychology, Trauma Tapping Technique (TTT), and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), all of which she incorporates into her counseling sessions. Colleen has begun certification courses in Healing from the Body Level Up™, which incorporates muscle testing, Natural Biofield Destressing, Tapas Acupressure Techniques (TAT), and other energy correction interventions to assist in healing trauma, energetic blockages, and shifting core limiting beliefs. She has recently been Certified in Beyond Quantum Healing and is excited to offer this heart-centered consciousness exploration hypnosis technique inspired by Dolores Cannon’s work. She has a Basic Level Certification in Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) and Usui Reiki I & II attunements. Colleen enjoys learning and integrating her understanding of integrative holistic psychotherapy into her work with clients. 

Business Promoted: Colleen is currently offering holistic psychotherapy via the HIPAA compliant online telehealth platform with a new location in Morris County, New Jersey for in person psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, and meditation sessions. She provides holistic, client-centered, compassionate care, and evidence-based treatments such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Skills within a trauma-informed framework. Holistic integrative psychotherapy views the person as a whole being, encouraging healthy shifts within the mind, body, and spirit. Colleen’s client-centered compassionate care offers a safe space for you to access the inspiration of wisdom and wellness that rests within you. She incorporates the aforementioned teachings with clients who are interested in psychospiritual exploration to better understand themselves and their situations. However, she does not offer energy healing in her practice.

Note: At MetaphysFest, Colleen will only be providing information about her services. Conversation with her does not imply or constitute a therapeutic relationship. You may sign up to schedule a 15 minute private consultation at a later date for counseling services during which Colleen will do a brief online screening to discuss more, schedule an intake appointment, or refer you to a more appropriate practitioner.