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Unless you have been living off the grid or hiding away from civilization, you have probably been noticing that things don’t appear to be making much sense anymore. From laws to behaviors and statements, the world appears obtuse. We find ourselves in a spectacle replete with visuals, audios, and commentary that are ironic, paradoxical, and puzzling. Minds spins wrapping around narratives that defy comprehension. Can we as a collective maintain our sense of balance and integrity? I believe it is very possible and the raison d’être for being here now.

It is a time of endings and beginnings. The construct we have held close is being dismantled. There is much going on behind the scenes to make this possible. Having trust and retaining faith is paramount to riding this storm. I believe this is a huge challenge that we anticipated facing before incarnating. We wanted to be here to experience a grand finale where the Veil lifts, or thins and truths are revealed. Those who wish to “beat the game” might enjoy this high-wire act experience, as well as glean rewards like existential conclusions that catapult them forward with respect to spiritual growth. Others who choose to not scratch the surface by exploring why everything is amiss might feel peaceful in not doing so. All roles and paths are Divine and Ordered. There are no shoulds as everyone has free will in how they perceive, traverse, and cope with this reality.

Once in human form, many have chosen not to get involved with the Great Awakening. That is fine. Everyone has a role to play. Some are very balanced, wise, powerful, and are holding space for others to return to their true Knowing of who they are, why they are here, and what is unfolding before them. Still, others are shifting in ways that are imperceptible and immeasurable; one shift towards a higher frequency is expansion and this is why they began living here on this topsy-turvy timeline. To be jostled by insanity is an opportunity to look within and find what does not serve, process, and then release. Huge gains can be made by a soul who experiences dense and inverted dramas. Kudos to us all for healing wounds via adversity such as these them thar End Times…

Those whose heads are in the sand are to be honored. Fear encompasses many. Vows, nevers, scripts can restrict one from forward movement. Psychic attacks often prevent one from accurately discerning, perceiving, and healing. Unresolved issues of any kind are obstacles to seeing through the thinning Veil. My suggestion for those who do not want to see, hear, know, and feel: work on self. You are strong and capable. Remember that you are a Godspark and have the ability with the assistance of the collective consciousness to work through what does not serve you. The mere riddance of one phobia or addiction can open doorways for better mind, body, spirit health. Your soul will thank you.

Gamers come in many forms. There are rabbit hole divers who do research. Others are connectors and bring people together to share what they have learned. Spread-the-Word folks have a role to play, too. Igniters of the flame spark interest by offering tidbits to those seeking truth. What I find imperative is that these folks work through their respective biases, prejudices, and judgments. They, too, came here to heal and raise their vibration for their sake first. Angry sentiments often result after learning truth. To accept what has been is extremely important to heal and move forward. By working through the pain of Knowing truth positively impacts the collective as we are One. Ripples in a pond… To remain balanced while learning truth is of paramount importance. In and out with the negative feelings that might arise while doing research. Storing versus processing and releasing negativity affects one’s mind, body, and spirit and consequently negatively affects the collective. In summary, what affects self affects other.

Decoding is not for everyone. The skilled ones that are able will tend to that task. Others who understand bits and pieces are to accept they do not need to understand it all. It is extremely complicated and there are many layers. Leave the heavy lifting to those who wear support belts. If you become able over time, kudos to you!

What happens when you think you know and you take in a truth? I strongly suggest not hanging your hat on what you conclude. The level of trickery is high and you might find yourself very shocked or disappointed upon later learning you were had. Enjoy what you learn, consider it as a truth, shelve it, remain detached to a certain extent, and enjoy the process. You arrived here to find joy and happiness through creation and co-creation.

Bless us all for getting this far. We are on the other side of the marathoner’s “hitting the wall” and now it is a matter of managing the surreal nature of our present existence. This, too, shall pass and we will see the fruits of our labor.

Maintain your integrity by being true to yourself. Know who you are, why you are here, and believe anything is possible.

Be a miracle as we are miracles to be here now.

With Love,
