All souls wish to ascend. Onwards and upwards is the mantra we follow. Here, in Earth School, the Veil of Forgetfulness, or the Veil of Unknowing, befalls us. The ascension journey mystifies many and the meaning of incarnation might be forgotten. To be removed from the Knowing that we are connected to Source and have never been separated is quite a challenge. The term ascension appears as an existential term that necessitates looking up its meaning. This piece is a friendly reminder that we adore upward movement.
Upward movement can be seen as spiritual development, or growth. “What is that?” you ask. I would loosely explain it to mean that a soul, which is a Godspark or piece of Source – you, has a hankering for the attainment of knowledge, truth, healing, and a greater sense of Joy. The more a soul releases fear – resolves issues, it goes up in vibration, or frequency. A Ladder of Happiness that moves higher and higher towards Source’s vibration can be visualized for this purpose. We want to go up each rung. The spiral staircase is another visual that lends itself to this ascension theme. Fear brings us lower on ladder rungs or steps on the staircase. Love moves us onwards and upwards.
All souls have a choice where to step. There are no rights and wrongs – no missteps. Each movement can be seen as an opportunity for soul growth. Again, we love the challenge and ascension is our goal. To make a move in a direction that is risky offers us much in the way of soul growth development. Opportunities exist every day and everywhere. To remember that obstacles are, in fact, doors that could lead to higher ladder rungs or next steps can assist us when we find ourselves at a crossroads or in the thick of things.
Meaning in an incarnation can be found when we pull back and ask ourselves what we can learn from this present “movie scene.” To remain physically attached to a situation might prevent learning from occurring. It is human to be detached and I would suggest being in a current third dimensional state until awareness is made and feelings are experienced. To “unstick” self requires the release of lower vibrational feelings and the gumption to detach and transcend for growth’s sake. “What can I learn from this?” is what your soul desires to ask. With acceptance and forgiveness (if unforgiveness occurred), meaning can be gleaned and next steps can be taken.
To think we are that brave to have chosen to incarnate in such a dense reality as this!
Did you know you were here to move higher – to learn and grow? How might you challenge yourself on your ascension path? Are you already challenged? How are you doing with learning from these challenges?
During these very exciting times, I remind you that your soul welcomes change. You invite learning. You want more. It is your soul’s desire to move closer and closer to Source.
Bless you now and always.
~With Love,