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When I was first awakening, I came across material about being a Creator Being. This term was foreign to me, yet it resonated. My childhood was replete with making crafts, cooking and baking, and playing musical instruments and singing. Manifesting something out of nothing was natural and effortless. To stumble upon this novel idea that we are all Creator Beings broadened my scope of who we inherently are.

To put it simply, we as Creator Beings are powerful and are able to make dreams come true if it is for our highest good and the highest good of all. We can think up an idea, simmer over it, talk about it, take steps towards its manifestation, and see whether it will take form. Blocks, or obstacles need to be addressed and removed in order to increase the chances of seeing it into reality. Then, if it is Divinely “meant to be,” it will appear.

Some folks know they are Creators and lavish in the process of making and doing and enjoying the fruits of their labor. Still, others see glimpses of successes and then retreat to either repeat the process at another time or close the door altogether on any repeat creative endeavors. There are no rights or wrongs with respect to coming up with ideas and seeing them through to creation. I believe learning that we are powerful and able to create our reality is highly valuable to those who might have forgotten.

There are souls who do not appear creative. Does this mean they aren’t creating? Not at all. They might think an idea and run with it. The list could go on about how a person creates without it appearing obvious. Sometimes a soul chooses to simmer down or appear to stop themselves from moving forward in order to learn from that lifetime’s experience. It does not mean that they aren’t Creators. It means they put the brakes on in order to learn from being in a holding pattern or “work stoppage.”

When I learned I am a powerful Creator Being, my heart opened and I felt as if someone patted me on the back with a nod and a wink. “You’ve got this. You always did and you always will.” How reassuring is that?! I am passing this forward if you had forgotten.

After my first taste of Amish pretzels, I had a hankering for them every time I passed the farmer’s market. One day, out of nowhere, I decided to look up a recipe and see whether I could make them. Since the kitchen has always been my friend, I relished the idea of creating what others had created for me. Not only did I make them, but I enjoyed mine more than the ones at the market. Each time I create something, I reinforce that I am able to do many, many things. It is quite empowering.

Might you consider what you want to create and see through to completion? Maybe you already are in that mode and it’s part of your movie. For those who are on a vacation or have forgotten that they are powerful and can create beautiful things, here’s your wake-up call. Your list might be short or long. It is possible you don’t know now what you can put together and bring into existence. Not to worry. If you open to the idea of creating what is for your highest good and the highest good of all, ideas will show themselves to you.

If creations do not flow or if they aren’t successful, there is no report card grade to be given. The idea that you took steps and gave it your best is what is to be recognized and acknowledged. Enjoying the process and crediting self for the effort is very important.

May your creations be as tasty as the pretzels I made!

Warmly (with salt and mustard optional),
