Get in Touch: 908-337-9759


January 28th- 7-8 PM (EST) - MOVIE NIGHT: Facebook LIVE with Joanie: Joanie goes LIVE with Facebook friends. A supportive, uplifting community of Unity Consciousness friends chat, ask questions about […]


February 4th- 7-8 PM (EST) - MOVIE NIGHT: Facebook LIVE with Joanie: Joanie goes LIVE with Facebook friends. A supportive, uplifting community of Unity Consciousness friends chat, ask questions about […]


February 11th- 7-8 PM (EST) - MOVIE NIGHT: Facebook LIVE with Joanie: Joanie goes LIVE with Facebook friends. A supportive, uplifting community of Unity Consciousness friends chat, ask questions about […]

God’s Way YTVY-Channels 34, 35, &79

Staten Island Cable TV Show: God’s Way YTVY – Channels 34, 35, and 79. Airs 9 PM and miscellaneous times during the week for one month from air date. Joanie […]

Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo

Friday, March 3, 2023: Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo – Friday, 5-9 PM Joanie will be a vendor (TABLE 314) offering readings/healings at the Heart of Oneness Festival in Edison, […]

Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo

Saturday, March 4, 2023: Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo – Saturday 10am-7pm Joanie will be a vendor (TABLE 314) offering readings/healings at the Heart of Oneness Festival in Edison, New Jersey on March 3. 4. and 5, 2023. Save the date!

Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo

Sunday, March 5, 2023: Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo – Sunday 10am-5pm Joanie will be a vendor (TABLE 314) offering readings/healings at the Heart of Oneness Festival in Edison, New Jersey on March 3. 4. and 5, 2023. Save the date!

Paranormal Investigation

Saturday, March 11 7 PM-1 AM. I was asked to participate in a paranormal investigation with the East Coast Spirit Chasers. David Legendre, Investigator and Historian, suggested I consider joining them on their next trip to Mexico, New York. Nick Waskiw, Lead Investigator, spoke with me and more formally invited me. The crew is a […]